International Genocide Commemeration Day
- International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime, 9 December -
"Ultimately, preventing genocide involves all of society. It is crucial that we all join hands to defend the principles of equality and human dignity and to repair the fissures and polarization that are so prevalent in our societies today." - UN Secretary-General António Guterres
December is a month full of holidays and traditions. Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Ōmisoka, Yule, and the Day of Immaculate Conception are only a few of the holidays celebrated around the world this month. Beyond religious and cultural traditions, countries also observe days of remembrance this month. The UN has declared several days of international observance in the past 100 years, yet the Genocide Prevention Day stands out amongst them all.
Yearly, the UN hosts a genocide convention. This year is particularly significant as we mark the 75th anniversary of this commemoration. This year’s convention theme is particularly noteworthy as “A Living Force in World Society: The Legacy of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”. The focus of this convention will be observing the process the world has made towards its fights against the Crimes of Genocide. You can review the convention that took place the 9th of December at .
The UN’s efforts have led to 153 countries implicating this day of commemoration.
Yet, Genocide remains a threat today, in multiple countries. Which is why the UN is not only showcasing its progress, but also examining its future and reflecting on the current challenges to this global threat.
As of now a 5-step plan has been implemented for genocide prevention:
Prevention of armed conflict: the UN believes genocide is sparked at the signs of armed conflicts.
Protecting civilians if an armed conflict were to arise; the protection of civilians is the highest priority of the UN.
By bringing those who commit genocide crimes to justice, there will be a significant decrease in these crimes.
To detect, in early stages, when a crime of genocide will arise. By collecting information in countries with risk of genocide to try and prevent the crime itself.
Use military intervention to prevent and respond to threats of genocide crimes.
With these in mind, the UN urges those who possess the ability to combat genocide by preventing hate crimes. Stand up and act to prevent the “never again” from becoming “again and again” not only this Saturday but all the time.